Annotate Stanford NLP Open IE


StanfordOpenIEAnnotator ann = new StanfordOpenIEAnnotator();
ann.setProperty("target", "text");

Document doc = new DefaultDocument();
doc.putAttribute("text", //
		"Mount Fuji, located on the island of Honshu, " //
				+ "is the highest mountain in Japan. ");

doc.getKeywords().forEach(kwd -> System.out.println(kwd.getFacet() + "," + kwd.getLex()));


pattern.oie.triple,mount fuji , is highest mountain in , japan
pattern.oie.triple,mount fuji , is mountain in , japan
pattern.oie.triple,mount fuji , is , mountain
pattern.oie.triple,mount fuji , is , highest mountain
pattern.oie.triple,mount fuji , located on , island honshu
pattern.oie.triple,highest mountain , is in , japan
pattern.oie.triple,mount fuji , located on , island
pattern.oie.clause,Mount Fuji located on the island of Honshu is the highest mountain in Japan
pattern.oie.clause,Mount Fuji located on the island of Honshu